Cooking with the weather

Lisbon, May 2024

What would a fossil-fuel free society look like?

In May we spent 10 days in residence in Lisbon, with the design studio By the End of May in Mouraria Creative Hub. In collaboration with Marie Verdeil, we build a collection of low-tech tools to create a summer low-tech kitchen including:

  • box solar ovens (some of them being transformed fireless cookers built in a previous workshop),
  • a parabolic solar cooker with a second hand parabolic antena,
  • a bike generator repurposing a home exercice bike.
  • and a solar charging station / chair with a solar panel roof creating shade and producing electricity, inspired by the Red and Blue Chair by designer Gerrit Rietveld.

We shared and used these prototypes during Gentler Futures Festival, an event focused on Urban Self-sufficiency organized by By the End of May studio during which we hosted a solar cooking workshop and a solar brunch.

Team Audrey Belliot (Slow lab) & Marie Verdeil.

Hosted by the studio the research and design studio By the End of May in Mouraria Creative Hub in Lisbon.

Produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

solar cooking

solar cooking
photo by Margarida Alexandre
solar cooking
photo by Bernardo Condeixa
solar cooking
photo by Margarida Alexandre
solar cooking
photo by Bernardo Condeixa